Children can get worried about attending for imaging examinations or procedures either they, or their parents might be undergoing. We thought it might be useful to create a page that offers information to both children and parents about attending the department.
The radiology departments are all set up to have children visit either as a patient or with their parents. We aim to try and keep both parent and child together during the visit to prevent any anxiety from either party. Safeguarding and radiation protection is paramount to the care of your child.
In most circumstances children can accompany parents for ultrasound, however for some examinations involving radiation (X rays) e.g. CT scans this is not possible and it is worthwhile considering bringing someone else to help you. If this is impossible do not worry one of our radiology staff will always help where they can.
If your child needs an imaging examination then it is usually possible for you to accompany them. This is the case for ultrasound and MRI imaging. With regards CT, due to the fact that it uses radiation (X Rays) you will be able to enter the room and ensure your child is comfortable but will need to leave the room just before the scan. Sometimes you will be able to stay in the control area so that you can see your child and they can see you.
It is worth considering appropriate clothing for your child when attending for a scan, as we will need to access the area to scan. In ultrasound we use “jelly” which we put on the skin first, this can be a little cold at first but soon warms up. Although it is supposed not to mark clothing it is probably best to avoid smart clothes.
Dr McCafferty does perform some diagnostic Ultrasound, CT, fluoroscopy and MRI in children; the vast majority is for conditions that affect the abdomen and pelvis or vascular malformations. The majority of patients are for treatment using minimally invasive interventional techniques known as Paediatric Interventional Radiology (PIR). If your child needs an Interventional procedure this will commonly be performed as a day-case under a general anaesthetic. We will arrange for a specially trained Paediatric nurse to be available and the Anaesthetist is someone who regularly works with Dr McCafferty at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. This “team” approach with children is very important to provide safe calm environment and allow high quality treatments.